Return & Refund Policy
* All products listed under a particular category may not have the same return/replacement period. Kindly check the respective item's applicable return/replacement policy on the product page.
Return Period after Delivery or Installation as per seller norms.
Return Period after Delivery is applicable if product received is Defective or damaged or not as described.
If you have received a damaged or defective product or if it is not as described, you can raise a replacement request on the Website/App/Mobile site within the applicable Returns Policy period. In a rare event of the replacement being defective/damaged or not as described on the product page, a full refund will be provided by the seller once they receive the product.
View list of all non-returnable products here.
For products where installation is provided by Aajjo Business Solutions Private Limited:
Please do not open the product packaging by yourself. Aajjo Business Solutions Private Limited authorized personnel shall help in unboxing and installation of the product.
The return period for such products commences from the date of installation.
Returns Processing
If you're facing any issues with a product purchased on Aajjo Business Solutions Private Limited, we shall help by verifying and trying to resolve your product issue as part of the return verification process. The Issue resolution steps may be shared with you as self-help, or with assistance over call or a Aajjo Business Solutions Private Limited personnel may visit your place. The seller will arrange for a replacement if the issue has not been resolved.
Issue resolution steps will be available for products like mobiles, tablets, laptops, large appliances, electronics, home appliances, furniture etc.
In case the product is not in stock or has been permanently discontinued, the refund for the entire product or part(s) of the product will be provided by the seller.
Returns Pick-Up
In case of returns where you would like item(s) to be picked up from a different address, the address can only be changed if pick-up service is available at the new address.
During pick-up, your product will be checked for the following conditions.
Undamaged Product
The product should be undamaged and without any scratches, dents, tears or holes.
Undamaged Packaging
Product's original packaging/box should be undamaged.
Definition: 'Refund' is defined as the action of giving back the item purchased by the Buyer to the Seller on the Aajjo Business Solutions Private Limited website. Following situations may arise:
Item was defective
Item was damaged during the Shipping
Products was / were missing
Wrong item was sent by the Seller.
Return could also result in refund of money in most of the cases.
Points to be noted:
Seller can always accept the return irrespective of the policy.
If Seller dis-agrees a return request, Buyer can file a dispute.
We encourage the Buyer to review the listing before making the purchase decision. In case Buyer orders a wrong item, Buyer shall not be entitled to any return/refund.
Buyer needs to raise the return request within the return period applicable to the respective product. Once Buyer has raised a return request by contacting Us on Our Toll Free Number, Seller while closing the return ticket can select one of the following:
Replace after shipment collection - Seller has agreed to wait for the logistics team to collect the shipment from the buyer before replacing it
Refund after shipment collection - Seller has agreed to wait for the logistics team to collect the shipment from the buyer before refunding
Refund without shipment collection - Seller has agreed to refund the buyer without expecting the original shipment back
Replace without shipment collection - Seller has agreed to replace the order without expecting the original shipment back
In the event the Seller accepts the return request raised by the Buyer, Buyer will have to return the product and then the refund shall be credited to the Buyers account.
In case the Seller doesn't close the ticket in 3 days from the date of intimation to the Seller about the refund request, the refund request shall be settled in favor of the Buyer.
Shipping cost for returning the product shall be borne and incurred by the Seller.
Important Keywords: Plastic Injection Moulding Machine | Grain Dryer | Component Cleaning Machine | CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Machine | Automatic Chain Link Fencing Machine | Deep Freezer | Fly Ash Brick Making Machine | Oil Filling Machine | Automatic Chapati/Pulka/Paratha Making Machine | Tile Making Machine | Awnings | Handheld Inkjet Printer | Batch Coding Machine | Residential Elevator | Silent Diesel Generator | Tensile Parking Shed | Tensile Structures | Laser Cutting Machine | Laser Marking Machine | Genset | Magnetic Drum Separator | Plastic Recycling Machine | Cold Press Oil Machine | PVC Pipe Bending Machine | Asphalt Batch Mix Plant | FRP RO Plant | Electric Wire Rope Hoist | Semi Electric Stacker | Hydraulic Lifting Table | Box Strapping Machine | Electric Chain Hoist | Portable Cabin | Water Cooler | Automatic Liquid Filling Machine | Street Light Pole | Crab Trolley | Conveyor Belt | Gravity Roller Conveyor | Commercial Kitchen Equipments | Sweet Making Machine | VMC Machining Service | Rotary Washing Machine | Servo Voltage Stabilizer | Oil Cooled Servo Stabilizers | Wood Fired Steam Boilers | Wood Fired Khoya Machine | Drain Covers | Stainless Steel Gate | CNC Machining Service | Injection Moulding Machine Repairing | Vertical Injection Moulding Machine | Horizontal Injection Moulding Machine | Office Container | GI portable Container | Accommodation Cabin | Steam Operated Khoya Making Machine
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